Monday, December 17, 2007

I'M MOVING!!!!!!!

My new blog can be found @

Thursday, July 26, 2007

OKay so here's the deal...

June 4th was the day of my last post. Much has happened in that time, most notably being Sarah. Yes, I have a girlfriend, and oh the stories I want to tell, but they are not quite fit for public consumption :) I just love her madly, and I'll leave it at that.

As for another continuing drama on this blog: Iraq.
I'm convinced that Washington has lost it's mind, again. I can't believe that Bush thinks he can rally support for our presence in Iraq by linking it to Bin Ladin. I couldn't really care less about him. About 3 years ago Iraq became less about the war on terror and more about the nation of Iraq. I wanted to see this end in a better life for it's people. Why do we not hear news from Iraq about the state of it's people unless they end up dead? Is it that it's going well or is it that things are going bad? I'm tired of car bombs and militias. I wish we could see life in Iraq for all it's people urban, rural, rich and poor. Democrats and Republicans don't give a shit about people, they just want to get re-elected.

Monday, June 04, 2007

WOW is this a new post?

Have I really been away for so long? There has been so much happening since my last post:
Trips to Phoenix and New York City, more stress and worry, more joy and hope, this is life isn't it? My political views are shifting to something a little more "agressively non-partisan". More on that later... and then there is Sarah. Probably the biggest surprise of my life in the past year :) So I hope to reach post number 200 by the start of July, but I need to get to work now so bye!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Of opportunities and unknowns

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. I've been kind of distracted recently.

That is what life is, isn't it?
When left on my own I often fall into the lie that there will be a point where evaything just gels and life becomes stable and predictable. Then something, or more frequently a whole lot of somethings happen and everything I've planned gets thrown out. It's during these times that I begin to feel a bit lost, but they always come around eventually, and my life ends up being better for it. So in this latest bout of clear skys with very strong winds I'll try to keep my head and I'll keep ya'll posted.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tiesto...Elements of life...

Interesting new album, I've been listening to it since this morning. It's very much on the lines of Armin vanBuuren's-Shivers. The stand out tracks are Elements of Life- another techno classical hybrid much like AvB's Serenity but more cohesive, Break my Fall feat BT- Oh yeah, BT assists here, reminds me alot of Force of Gravity. Sweet Things feat Charlotte Martin- Great trance vocals here oddly enough the instrumentation sounds more like BT than the BT Track.

All in all it's an okay album, vary much the traditional Trance sound. Something to dance to and good background music. Not very good for litenting to on it's own.

More later...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Future Project begins now....

Our church is having a worship night soon. We are centering around music this time, and I'd like to make a video. I've got some great ideas brewing right now. One has a soundtrack made up of a mash-up of BT and Rob Bell. What will be on screen is still up in the air, I don't want it to be too simplistic, but I've found that sometimes simple is powerful. And that's what I want this to be, powerful. I'd like it to be a call to worship.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


So yes, the new Linkin Park album, Minutes to Midnight, is on the way!!! So maybe I'm the last fan to hear about this, but you know. Head over to your favorite online music store to check out the new single!

Oh yeah, Mars Hill... They do have a podcast available on iTunes now, check that out too. It's great to come into work on monday and listen to some truth.