Tuesday, January 10, 2006

MacWorld 2006

"The Steve" just finished another one of his keynote speeches. This had to be his least interesting in a while. The One More Thing was a beefy new MacBook Pro line of notebook PCs. The primary thrust of the speech was the Intel switch and consumer end software. Niether of which I had much interest in. Sure, iWeb may be kind of cool as a new blog tool, but I just don't use iLife enough to make it worthwhile. What I hoped to see was a set-top mac. Instead there was more blah than anything.
I now see the purpose of Mactel, and I am impressed. However, I have no use for a laptop right now. So I guess it's back to the waiting game for that set-top mac.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

If I ever go pubilc with this thing.....

Okay so technically it is public. It's out there for people to read, it's just I haven't really told anybody yet. So if someone does end up reading this: I'm not as crazy as I seem and I'd really like to know how you found this. My update rate is now to a point where I think I'll start to let the word out.

Aside from that.

Life continues in it's usual way, only with more clouds than usual. I don't know how many of you live in the upper midwest, but how about that lack of sun? We are blessed to have very mild temps, but the daily overcast is getting to me.

So remind me again why I was supposed to like this? Yeah sure, it's got eveything my domgraphic should like, except what is it? You can create the most complicated political conspiracy or the most surprising plot twist you want. But there is something that just seems to be missing. I know, how about some more Bradbury type plots. Eternal Sunshine and Vanilla Sky are a great examples of how sci fi doesn't have to be in a galaxy far far away to be great.
Maybe that's it. I don't buy the whole space ship thing. There also seems to be this stupid thing about bandits with a heart of gold thing going around. I gotta think about that one some more

Til then,

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Another "Holy crap, did I just write that?" moment

It's a funny thing. From the time one is born to about 22. People's stories remain very similar. There are clear choices that everyone makes, and these choices are the things that unite one to another. Once you get past 22 the game changes. The common choices no longer exist. And you cannot rely on those to unite. People really do go off in their own directions, based on their values. And this is the thing that will be important for the rest of your life, your values. Do you belive in incesesing your Net worth? Do you belive in doing what you love to do? Do you only do what is expected? Do you plan than move or do you move then plan? All are viable, and all have their merits, but the right path for anyone requires wisdom. And then you have to wonder where does your wisdom come from? Then there is the question of the relationship between values and wisdom and whether or not one can exist without the other, but that for another time. Oh yeah, and there is also the question, can you undrestand somethig without expereince it? And then there is the question of expereince and realness. What is more real in a given situation. The event itself or the emotions and such that go with it?

I love it!