Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Okay so maybe not

Just thought I'd let you all know that betweenthemonitors will no be biting the dust anytime soon, however, I will be adding a new blog called "In Case of a Water Landing..." this will be more of an art geek blog. I hope to have some stuff post on there soon.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Screw you guys, I'm moving....

Yes that's right. Betweenthemonitors is about to bite the dust. I don't like the way this blog is going and I want to start over, hopefully with a more creative flavor to it. A place where I can post some of the stuff I've been working on, video, photography, design, and what not. I'm tired of the ponderous loads of crap. I'll post the new site as soon as it is finished. probably later this week.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Family Roots

Okay so I've been a little bored recently. So I decided to toy around with the Lake family history. I've only been at this for a week or so but already I've found some new info and now I have even more questions. So many interesting events that explain the reputation of various family members. Good stuff.
You know those dreams that you wake up from and you feel more drained that when you went to bed? I've been getting those ALOT over the last few weeks. I wish I could just tell my brain to stop doing the school day dreams. I've found myself in just about every school I've ever attended all involving stressful situations. It kinda sucks. Lay off!!!
Other than that life's been like the weather, cloudy, a little rainy, but at least it's warm.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dreams and hobbies.

I deleted the ponderous steaming piece of crapola once taking the space on this post. I need to get out more often!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Another week....thrill

Especially when I think about what's coming this Christmas... one of the busiest travel periods I've ever had, including a trip to New York for my grandparents' 50th! So exciting!
Anyway, in other ares life is going as usual, no real surprises, some steady progress. The usual.
That should do it for today... I need my coffee!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


So I have the new skin for the blog! It's okay, it still needs a little work. But overall I'm proud of the thing.
I've had alot on mind recently, I guess that's why I haven't been blogging. I don't feel comfortable having this kind of stuff out in public. It has to do with a number of choices I see coming up in the near future, and the direction I want to take over the next 2-3 years. What am I going to invest my time in and when? Exciting times. Exciting steps ahead.