Friday, February 10, 2006

Another link and an artist returns...

Being the Photoshop geek I am, I can't believe I've never heard of Check it out there are a ton of great ideas that I wish could happen and a few I don't. This brings an intersting point... It's been a really long time sinse I've just goofed off with Photoshop. It's become too much of a blah work tool. I'm going to change that. Posts coming soon!

Brian Caroll of isn't dead!!!! The Aritst and writer of a number of quality web comics is promising new comics soon, I can't wait.

Just bought another Ani Difranco album (Little Plastic Castle), yess, feed the addiction! I now have more Ani music in my playlist tthan any other single artist. So you may find it odd that a conservative white straight male would even listen to her. However, I like what she has to say about life, I enjoy her sense of humor and amazing talant and skill. Sure her, Bush hating gets on my nerves, but that's what freedom of speach is all about. Which brings me to the next point.

This whole damn muslim comics thing.
Freedom of the press is a good thing. It's really what defines western cuture, now that Europe is all secular and stuff. However with that right comes resopnsiblity. The Dixie Chicks know all about this. You have every right to say what you want, just be willing accept the consiqunces. We have a right to speak, not the right to be heard or the right to be agreed with.

At the same time, the muslim world need's to get off the bandwagon approach to violence. Do you protest because you yourself are offended or because someone tells you you are offended? This is a huge problem in the world in general. People listen to others too much.

Take the wiretapping issue. The media makes a huge deal about it. They use loaded English and pathos to convince half the country that Bush is evil. At the same time, the President and his peoples are doing the same thing saying his opponents are irresponsible. How about this, use your news gathering tools, Goolge News for example, read about the issue from all sides (there is no such thing as fair and balanced, it wouldn't get any ratings), find the corelating facts, and make your own opinion. Not because it is the popular opinion or the dissenting opinion, or the cool opinion, or your parents opinion, or your teacher's opinion, but because it is your opinion.

I am a conservative, but that dosn't make me a Republican. If a Democrat or Independant were to come along who represents my world view, I would vote for them too.

Wow that was a rant!

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