Monday, May 29, 2006

Mid Move

Here I am kickin' back at the Henken household for the next 40 or so hours. I't been a crazy day that included a whole lot of runs, a nearly overheated car and a little more un-needed stressing. In the end the job did get done and I'm just about ready for my new home. Okay, so it's just another apartment but you get the idea.
So tomorrow it's back to work again. I'm going back to a crazy mad house. 6 days of work packed into 3 days. Thrill...all without a key player. Now there's a story! I have no idea what's going on. I need to stop stressing about that whole situation and just let it play out. I'm always expecting the worst and the worst is always the same thing.

Take it easy!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Signing out...

It's been another year and once again it's time to move. To be honest this last year has been my least favorite of the last three. I can't explain it. It's just felt so increadibly empty. I feel like I wasted it. It had a number of highlights, but even those weren't enough to break my generally gloomy mood. I don't know how to break it for longer than a day. Maybe I'll learn that this year.

Next time I post it will be from the new apartment.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Morning Update!?

That is what this thing is quickly becoming. That thing to do while I wait for projects to come in @ work.
Aparently "the chad" is starting his new job soon (within the week?) WTG! Looking forward to seeing you day side!

News Report of Interest...
Nothing new this morning. Though there is always that AM2 thing that I could follow. Taylor won American Idol... all is right in the world. Now we can get on with our lives. X-Men 3 is getting panned...No surprise, then again I don't like the idea of Bret Ratner directing. @ least Kelsey Grammer is playing The Beast... that'll be good.

So tell me what happens when the Iraqi government starts to stand on it's own and we reduce our troops down there? What if Iraq becomes a success? How will Washington Democrats survive that? I'd love to find out.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Geek Moment..

Just hosted my first Battlefield online battle last night!!! Everything worked fine except for my brother-in-law's wireless connection kept giving out. Either way it was a lot of fun and I hope to continue doing more in the future.

In other news:
I've finalized my cross-town move plans for next week and it will take the whole week! Thank goodness my sister is willing to help out! Don't know about anyone else. It's a mid-week thing this time around. So people are gennerally busy. But I do hope to have a house warming party sometime in june.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Okay today was a free day @ work. I had one major project to complete but that only took a little over an hour to do. As for the rest of it I've been working on a few projects I've been meaning to do for a while. Even some expereimentation with HD (That's been an eye-opener)! Anyway I find myself sitting here typing just itching to get outside! I still have my bike in my trunk :P

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Wake up call

I went for a bike ride today.... It was a simple one from work to my new apartment. and back... I've never felt so out of it in my life. For the first time I've really felt how much I've let myself slide. All this desk work has been great for my head, but when was the last time I just went outside an just cruise for a really long time? It's been a while obviously. I found myself out of breath after two hills! Just one year ago I could bike around half of the Milwaukee metro area!!! Damn! I felt horrible. I've probably put on about 40 lbs since then....I want to go back. But I'm a desk jockey now. It sucks.

Friday, May 19, 2006

What I hope to be an easy going weekend

So yeah, It coming up on the weekend finnaly. It's going to busy but not so much that I'll be running around all the time. It's mostly just getting ready for my move. Doing a little packing, alot of cleaning and some teardown. Moving day is just over a week away now. The goal is just to just be ready for it.

Keep groovin'

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I've been thinking alot about my move recently, as you can no doubt tell. There's something in this one. It has a sense of "The way things should be" to it. Of course this opens up new goals and opportunities in life. I'm excited, I can thinks it's time to move on to the next level now...whatever that means.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What is this regular blogging!?

Work Stuff:
Today was really great. I was able to edit 2 shows, both were "roll-thrus" (No errors, love it when I do that). I had a fire to put out half way across the country, and it worked. I had some graphics work to do. And finnally I was able to teach my co-worker how to do closed captioning. Everything was great until we tried to get the captioning on the tape. His computer woudn't do it correctly and the fix added an hour and a half to the process! I did get a little angry. It keeps me humble. Anger is a funny thing. Just when I think I've delt with, it something comes along to test it. I'm still impaitient, I'm just better at hiding it now :) Will I ever grow up?

Check out Ushpizin!!!! It's a really good movie. Just be willing to read subtitles!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Year 4 and not counting...

Those who know me well, know that I have been counting the years that's I've lived here (year 1, year 2, year 3, ect.) It's very close to the beginning of year 4 and everything looks good. Then again that's what I said about last year. It's not that the previous year was bad, I just found myself in a frustrating holding pattern for most of it. Then I really let it get to my head about half way through leading to alot of unfounded (I'd say irrational) low points in the last 6 months.
However, this next year is starting out different. I'm moving to an area in town where I really want to move, things at work have been going very well, and I'm really trying to be optimistic and cautious about the future. I hope this is the last time I count years. Maybe then I'll be able to finally settle in.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I want a Wii!

I think this is the first time i've been this excited over a gaming system since I my NES oh so many years ago. So obvioulsy I've been really paying attention to E3 news for the past few days. The most exciting new so far, aside from the old news of the Virtual Console, is the potential return of the Zapper.
What ever happend to this humble piece of technology? Why has it taken 20 years to come back? It was obvioulsy one of the best game paripherals of all time. Despite the fact only used it on 2 games (Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley).
The more I think about it the more is seems that with the Wii, Nintendo is getting back to it's roots. The Wii controller is nothing more than the full realization of the Power Glove, and there's that prototype zapper too. Anyway I'm rambling...
I guess we'll just have to wait for Q4 2006.