Monday, May 15, 2006

Year 4 and not counting...

Those who know me well, know that I have been counting the years that's I've lived here (year 1, year 2, year 3, ect.) It's very close to the beginning of year 4 and everything looks good. Then again that's what I said about last year. It's not that the previous year was bad, I just found myself in a frustrating holding pattern for most of it. Then I really let it get to my head about half way through leading to alot of unfounded (I'd say irrational) low points in the last 6 months.
However, this next year is starting out different. I'm moving to an area in town where I really want to move, things at work have been going very well, and I'm really trying to be optimistic and cautious about the future. I hope this is the last time I count years. Maybe then I'll be able to finally settle in.

1 comment:

Holly o:) said...

I'm glad you're on an upswing! You belong here...:)