Thursday, March 29, 2007

Well, I thought it would also be fun to post another project I was working on a months ago. Still quite cool, In case you were wondering about the Post-It notes, that's more or less the "secret sauce" that makes it all work. I have two other VFX projects lined up soon I will be posting them as I they are completed.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

here it is

lah dee dah

I've just had one of those moments where I do something I've been trying to avoid and finding a little bit of myself in the process. Let me explain:
For the longest time I've been trying to avoid the film style visual effects thing. It's something that I've wanted to do, but I've never really wanted to see how far that "rabbit hole" goes. Well, last night I took my first step, literally. As in stepping through the stargate. I placed my self in a scene of SG-1, and in all honesty it's one of the most natural technical projects that I've ever taken on. Once I get the thing on YouTube I'll post it on this blog. I need more ideas though, I'd like to start dabbling in this even more.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yagi is sick!?

So yagi is sick right now :( It's come down with Bsoditis. Too bad really, looks like a re-install/reformat is in order right now...

In other news...
Spring is back! Well actually it's more like summer, but I'm not complaining. It's quite nice really. And the best news is that the A/C in my office area is working again! If it isn't raining I may just go out for a walk or something.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hillary 1984

Unless you've been under a rock for the past few days (or just don't care) you know exactly what this post is about, so I'll spare you the gory details.

I love this story, being a video geek myself. I love the idea of indie political videos duking it out on YouTube in this upcoming election! I hope the web will become the new arena of ideas here, where the mainstream media has no control and Fiengold-McCain cannot sensor. I know I've been mulling some ideas over myself for my entry. To the conservative creatives out there: USE THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!! Show the country once and for all that the Left does not own the arts. Put your ideals of limited government, individual opportunity, and responsibility out there. Do it with the highest quality you can achieve with the greatest care. Move beyond mash-ups, do something entirely original. If this plays out how I hope it does, this is going to be good.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

And more toys...

So, here's the deal.
I've had some rather major financial shifts recently, and I've been finding myself with a little more "loose change" recently. Unfortunately I've been using this to buy more toys. Although they are fairly classy, and fit well into my rule of a few nice things, minimal crap. I still think I can make better use of the money. I've even started thinking about long-term investing. ACK! That really would be a "grown-up" moment. Putting money in something that doesn't depreciate easily. Scary thought.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New toys...

I just got the Adobe software upgrades on my editing workstation yesterday. I'm so excited, the creative options are honestly limitless now. Just the new addition of Illustrator alone is enough to help my creative ability (it's my primary thumbnailing software). Then there is After Effects 7 (oh yes, the sweetness.) There are a few others, but they arent quite as important. Photoshop is essentially my "Swiss Army Knife" there isn't a day that goes by where I don't use it @ least once.
Stayed up late last night...crap.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Before I go on with this rant I need to take a sec for a "Music Moment"
Check this band out. For those who remember they used to a Christian band called "Earthsuit".
After 6 years they have come back. The sound is certainly unique, here's the comparison I've come up with.
Imagine BT, with a little Radiohead, some of dcTalk's pop sound, and a little Sting.
worth the download on iTunes...

This morning was wonderful.... Who knew that waking up @ 5:45am would feel so good. Recently, I've been trying to stay up later and wake up later. It doesn't do it for me. I find myself feeling more tired when I wake up. I tend to sleep till 7:00 or 7:30, and I feel even more tired even though I've slept longer. Then there is the added bonus of the 6:00am workout. For me, there is nothing like a 1/2 hour on the eliptical in the morning to get me going. The bad news is in order to pull this schedule off I get VERY cranky @ 10:30 pm or so, a state I've called pumpkin. I don't mind it all that much, but those around me can clearly tell the difference. So, hopefully I can get back into this routine, it fits my life a little better :) I hope to add some lifting again, once my first set of cardio/endurance goals have been met. That will happen in two weeks. Heh heh, lifting for endurance, I love that part. I want to bike around Milwaukee again.

end random rant.

Friday, March 16, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Sometimes I do miss the old classroom St. Patty's. You know, when it was all green and shamrocks. But a single pint Guinness on tap is a nice trade.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

a note....

I'm moody, depressed, and I hate myself
...flashbacks to teenhood.

LATER THAT DAY...I am feeling better now, but I think it's important to keep this post around for a while. It's honest. It's how I've been feeling abit more than I like recently. I wish I knew why. It hasn't been a horrible month. In fact it's been pretty good. Im just having really hard time shaking this attitude.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Yet another note on the Iraq War...

I've been reading alot recently on the overall desire to "end the war." It's got me thinking what does it mean to end a war? Is a total troop pull out the end of the war? If we leave is the war really over? If we leave Iraq who would be the winner? If we turn our back on this conflict does it still exist? This new kind of war really really sucks. There can be no signed declaration of surrender, there can be no real victory either. Modern war can no longer be waged on a political state. It's a battle of ideals, and this new kind of warfare is dependent on who has more resolve. Negotiations have a way of putting a band-aid on things, but as we've seen time and time again they will break down, because those who have the big titles have no power over those who do the fighting. What we have in Iraq is the ultimate example of the meaning of the separation of church and state. I have very little problem with Islamic morality being written in thier laws, the problems come when the sectarian lines blind the government to the reality.
We don't need to look too far back in our own history to get an idea of what's going on. What we are seeing appears to be kinda similar to the Protestant/Catholic conflicts that ravaged Europe for centuries. And the echoes of those conflict continue to this day.
What am I saying? The Iraq war is just one part of a much larger conflict, and packing up and leaving will not make it go away. I'm not sure if the war will "come to our shores". But I do think it will affect our allies in Europe in ways we cannot predict yet.