Friday, March 23, 2007

Hillary 1984

Unless you've been under a rock for the past few days (or just don't care) you know exactly what this post is about, so I'll spare you the gory details.

I love this story, being a video geek myself. I love the idea of indie political videos duking it out on YouTube in this upcoming election! I hope the web will become the new arena of ideas here, where the mainstream media has no control and Fiengold-McCain cannot sensor. I know I've been mulling some ideas over myself for my entry. To the conservative creatives out there: USE THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!! Show the country once and for all that the Left does not own the arts. Put your ideals of limited government, individual opportunity, and responsibility out there. Do it with the highest quality you can achieve with the greatest care. Move beyond mash-ups, do something entirely original. If this plays out how I hope it does, this is going to be good.

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