Thursday, May 11, 2006

I want a Wii!

I think this is the first time i've been this excited over a gaming system since I my NES oh so many years ago. So obvioulsy I've been really paying attention to E3 news for the past few days. The most exciting new so far, aside from the old news of the Virtual Console, is the potential return of the Zapper.
What ever happend to this humble piece of technology? Why has it taken 20 years to come back? It was obvioulsy one of the best game paripherals of all time. Despite the fact only used it on 2 games (Duck Hunt and Hogan's Alley).
The more I think about it the more is seems that with the Wii, Nintendo is getting back to it's roots. The Wii controller is nothing more than the full realization of the Power Glove, and there's that prototype zapper too. Anyway I'm rambling...
I guess we'll just have to wait for Q4 2006.

1 comment:

Unknown said... said Wii