Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hey I can dream can't I?

Okay so I really want to see a next-gen iPod. The current gen is getting a little old and it is about time for an update. I mean a real update. Like a PSP type update. A 16:9 touchpad screen would be nice. Ability to export video to a larger screen onboard, an onboard iSight camera all with the good old apple sense of style, Safari Mobile web browser. It wouldn't have the "pocket size" image. Rather it would be a digital lifestyle device. Ideally it would combine Movies, music, books and online information sharing.

Then I got to thinking about it and realized for the most part this device kind of exists in the Nintendo DS Lite. All they really need to do is make a little deal with Apple to develop a version of iTunes for DS (they already have a deal with Opera. Now wouldn't that be interesting? It could happen, two companies that seem to have similar attitudes and cultures. Innovation, (recently on Nintendo's part) great design, and simplicity seem to be @ the heart of both compnaies.

Besides. I think a portableGaming/Media system would be a whole lot more apealing than an uber cell phone. Packing all that crap in a cell phone (i.e. the iTunes phone) is one of the most misguided concepts out there. PSP had the right idea, but unfortuantely it's made by Sony. They have great ideas but thier implimentation and DRM rules suck! Apple's rules are firm but simple, Sony's rules are just ridiculous.

I'm going to go out and get a DS lite now. I'll let you know how it goes.

PS: BTW Burnout 3 is the best game I've played in a really really long time.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So it's been about a week

Yeah it's been a week since my last post, and what a week it's been! Alot of leaarning, a little humbling, all sorts of good stuff. Finding new weaknesses, as well as new strengths. And for the first time in a while I can honestly say I'm happy with life. Plus I've found a some new scripture that has really helped. Check out Psalm 108. Sure some of the imagery dosn't exactly work with 21st centuray america, but the ideas and truths behind it are amazing and encouraging.

Take it easy ya'll

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Unique, just like everybody else

Initially I thought I was going crazy, but the more I look @ it the more true it is. I'm staying up later and sleeping in later too. Never thought that would happen. for the past year and a half or so I developed a reputation of being an early to bed early to rise type. But something snapped and I'm back to my midnight creative binges of the WWTC days. Not that I'm complaining. In fact it's kinda nice. I just wonder what it is that causes these shifts in natural pattern. hmm

Now let me draw your attention to the links section!

I've added two new ones. (As far as I'm concerned the best T-shirts on earth!)
And Benjamin Walker's Theory of Everything.
ToE is a weekly podcast that I have come to love. Sure he is an NPR lib type, but he not a snob about it (Maybe that's why he couldn't get a contract with them). Somtimes his shows can be a litttle edgey othertimes they can be LOL funny, sometimes they are did-he-just-say-that funny, comtimes they are thoughtful, and on occasion they can be offensive. No matter what, I know it's going to be a great ride and well worth the 10-30 mins.

take it easy.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Music Moment

Good news. That new Nelly Furtado album just came out. BAD NEWS, I'VE CHANGED MY MIND. This album sucks beyond all reason. I was initally a fan until I popped in some of her older stuff. What happend!? She's just like everyone else now! What's with the Spanish? Before she sang in Portuguese. Sell Out!
In other music release news. Paris Hilton has, in fact, released a single. Out of curiousity and a total disreguard of my well being I listened to the iTunes clip. I will be regretting that for the rest of the day. ugh.

And now for the current playlist:
Circles- BT
Land of my Sojourn- Rich Mullins
Tragedy- Celldweller
International Love Song- Caedmon's Call
(insert random 90's alternapop tunes here)
On Ice- Chris Thile
La Vie Boheme- RENT
Dissapear- Jars of Clay
Modulation- Ani DiFranco
Real Life-Aurora

So that's it for now.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Thoughts on National Events

Okay so this journalist guy is out there saying that terrorists were going to gas the New York City subway system...but they didn't. Now you'd think that this was an example of success in America's war on terror, but no! This is somehow a bad thing, or a neutral thing or I don't quite know what he's trying to say. The media is treating it like some kind of a scandal. No wait I get it... this has to do with the anti-terror funding reduction in New York. I get it. I don't think you can find anyone outside of Washington D.C. or on the editorial pages of the papers who would be pissed about this.
Let's look at the facts here. This revelation proves that the government wasn't off it's rocker when it elevated the orange alert on New York in 2003. It shows that there is a possibility that our intelligence gathering does work. And maybe just maybe the terror alert scale may just work not only as it was designed, but also as a deterrent.
I love this country. (rolleyes)


Thursday, June 15, 2006

So it's been a while...

Hey ya'll It's just been a kickin' week here. Mostly good news on all fronts. Except for the car thing, but I plan to find out about that this weekend. I just hope it isn't the gaskets.

Anyway I usually don't do this but perhaps I shout start. Here is my news quote for the day. It was found in The Jerusalem Post (AP): (in the process of going through the debris of the recent air strike against al-Zarqawi they found a number of of items including a thumbdrive.)

When asked how he could be sure the information was authentic, al-Rubaie said "there is nothing more authentic than finding a thumbdrive in his [al-Zarqawi's] pocket."

The whole story is really good, I recommend the read.

That's it for now, Have a great day!

Friday, June 09, 2006

A little prayer request here...

Today @ work I found out that I acciddentaly shipped a project Ground instead of Next Day Air. So we shipped it again today via NDA + Saturday delivery. Now, the TV station that we are shipping to requires a number of steps in order to recieve that package on Saturday. If the delivery doesn't happen I have a lot of work to do,.and alot of unneded stress. So yeah it's kind of a practical prayer, but I'd really line the package to arrive on time and as planned. I'll give you an update as soon as I find out.

So yea, eventually everything panned out. It took a while with a number of moments of near disaster, but it really did work out.
Now I need to eat and put together some new furnature! I love Ikea!


Yes another week...

That's it another work week is in the can. It's been a crazy one, but I hope things get back to normal next week. I feel like I've been walking on eggshels for the last two weeks. Between moving and work drama I'm craving a little stabilty to return. Sadly though I have some new drama on the horizon reguarding my car, Kitsune. It's been leaking coolant recently and I've been reluctant to take it in to get looked at. This could be really really bad news.
I will be making a run to Ikea tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to that! I'll be getting a TV stand a coffee table and possibly a large floor rug for the living room.
As for video projects, I'll be completeing the photo sequence project for Ridgewood tonight, and that will give me the time I need to start working on Tood & Julie's Wedding project seriously. YAY! I can't wait to finish that one. After that project comes the next flanelboard project! Double YAY!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Two Cents on World Events

The media will deny, the left will downplay, the fringe will cry foul, but in the end it looks like one of the greatest enemys to both Iraq and the Coalition is dead. Hats off to the units who managed to pull this off, you have put new optimism in the hearts of those who believe in freedom and justice for all in all corners of the world even in the ones that seem impossible. Also congrats to the Iraqi leadership in approving the final posts in their new government. This is a great day.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Good Morning!!!

Another morning, another day. I'm feeling good this morning, more so than usual, something is wrong with that. Maybe the late nights have recently taken a toll on my sanity! No wait... I've never had that in the first place. That's it, the world's going to end today. I know I've said in the past the day I begin dating is will be the end of the world (fire, brimstone, globe spins out of control as it hurdles itself into the sun, and Alec Baldwin becomes president). But no it's going to be today. To quote nickelback, "Im feeling way too damn good". There are two new comics on Instant Classic... we're doomed!

Later that day!
Apple relaunched the U2 iPod!? WTF! They could be developing the iPod/Newton/kick ass touchpad screen device of my dreams and they relaunch the ugliest thing they've come up with since the beige box G3!

Even Later that day...
So tell me again why on earth we need a Marriage ammendment added to the constitution? It seems a little stupid to me. Are we talking the religous intstution of marriage or the legal state of being married? They obviously not the same thing if you think about it. I mean a couple be recognized by the state but not by God, and vice versa. Heck, I even think that in some cases the organization called the church can operate independantly of both the law and God. So how about this. How about we call the legal state a Union, and let the church and God duke it out for the other ones :) Thus gay marriage can't happen unless a church organization recognizes as such, and the law cannot mess with the religious state of being married. And let God judge as He sees fit :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

More thoughts.

During FourTwelve the other night I made a comment that I think may have gone over peoples heads, or maybe it was too far out of left feild that only a few made the connection. We were going over the first part of James 5 and I brought up how I feel it applies to social responsibility. After all that this the first thing I see whenever I read that passage. I see applications to issues from globalization (not nessisarally a bad thing, given some time) to immigration. Just look @ it again. Again I need to point out, I'm not a member of the Hate America crowd. I do think that this country is one of the most compassionate in the world. However I think we can do better.

On another note:
I getting that feeling that Iran's "sabre rattleing" is just a power play. What would happen if the oil markets were to stop reacting to Iran's threats? Would the threats continue? Whatever happend to all that Iraqi Blood Oil the activists were all pumped up about?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Toward the End

So now I have about 80% of my stuff moved. The new place is really great. Not perfect, but really really close. The set-up I'm going for is very similar to the old place, but the reduced size of this place makes it much easier to visualize and excecute. I'll still be doing metal and glass for all surfaces and black for chairs. But this time around I'll actually do the movie poster thing...I'm excited (if you can't tell). I may even post some pics :P