Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Good Morning!!!

Another morning, another day. I'm feeling good this morning, more so than usual, something is wrong with that. Maybe the late nights have recently taken a toll on my sanity! No wait... I've never had that in the first place. That's it, the world's going to end today. I know I've said in the past the day I begin dating is will be the end of the world (fire, brimstone, globe spins out of control as it hurdles itself into the sun, and Alec Baldwin becomes president). But no it's going to be today. To quote nickelback, "Im feeling way too damn good". There are two new comics on Instant Classic... we're doomed!

Later that day!
Apple relaunched the U2 iPod!? WTF! They could be developing the iPod/Newton/kick ass touchpad screen device of my dreams and they relaunch the ugliest thing they've come up with since the beige box G3!

Even Later that day...
So tell me again why on earth we need a Marriage ammendment added to the constitution? It seems a little stupid to me. Are we talking the religous intstution of marriage or the legal state of being married? They obviously not the same thing if you think about it. I mean a couple be recognized by the state but not by God, and vice versa. Heck, I even think that in some cases the organization called the church can operate independantly of both the law and God. So how about this. How about we call the legal state a Union, and let the church and God duke it out for the other ones :) Thus gay marriage can't happen unless a church organization recognizes as such, and the law cannot mess with the religious state of being married. And let God judge as He sees fit :)

1 comment:

Zaar said...

I think you have the Munchin game to blame :)