Tuesday, June 06, 2006

More thoughts.

During FourTwelve the other night I made a comment that I think may have gone over peoples heads, or maybe it was too far out of left feild that only a few made the connection. We were going over the first part of James 5 and I brought up how I feel it applies to social responsibility. After all that this the first thing I see whenever I read that passage. I see applications to issues from globalization (not nessisarally a bad thing, given some time) to immigration. Just look @ it again. Again I need to point out, I'm not a member of the Hate America crowd. I do think that this country is one of the most compassionate in the world. However I think we can do better.

On another note:
I getting that feeling that Iran's "sabre rattleing" is just a power play. What would happen if the oil markets were to stop reacting to Iran's threats? Would the threats continue? Whatever happend to all that Iraqi Blood Oil the activists were all pumped up about?

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