Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ambition, the next stage...

As I've written before I had a vision of where I wanted to be in 5 years the moment I left high school. And here I am. It wasn't the route I was asking for but I got here eventually. Now I've been carefully considering where I want to be in the next five years. When I'm 30... ish! Anyway, There have been many crazy ideas flying around in my head, career changes, life changes, and of course little change. So here it is for what it's worth. Mind you this is just brainstorming, but the original plan was too. And if God wants to change it he can, He knows more about this kind of stuff than I do...

Career, this was the driving force behind the first five years. Alot of people were saying I was crazy for pursuing video production. To the point of one of my youth pastors joking about me working as a camera man for a Channel 8 for the rest of my life. In stage two career is still important, but I don't think it'll be the driving force... more on that one later.
ANYWAY, I want to get involved in missions. Now, before you all get that vision of me in a pith helmet braving the wilds of Africa let me explain. I want to use my abilities to get the message out about what's going on in the mission fields around the world. I mean God gave me this passion for a reason. If that makes any sense. Now my big question is, how does one make a living doing something like this? Than again that isn't important right now. What is important is asking if this is a wise move and if so how to take the first steps.

This is just the beginning, and there is alot more to it. I'll continue to post on thi topic as it comes up.

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