Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Okay, im making more attempts to get in touch with the inner geek, I decided to take another look into Firefly. I don't know how I thought I didn't like this stuff. Too bad it didn't make it to it's second year. Who ever thought a commentary on post civil war america set in space would work so well. Hopefully it will go through the "Family Guy" treatment someday. Anyway after watching 5 episodes or so it was time for bed, but first I had to install the new router. When all was said and done it was about 2 AM and sleep was easy. Funny thing is this morning was the first time I've overslept in years. I woke up @ 8:30, that's about the time I like to get to work:)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

What is the hope?

So this morning in Sunday school (ahem I mean ABF or whatever) we continued our discussion of be book of Hebrews. It's been a great time, learning the deeper truths of our faith from the perspective of history. Anyway, when we came to verse 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." an interesting question came up. What is this hope? After alot of thinking I'm convinced that this is one of those personal questions that one can only answer for one's self. And what is mine? It can be summed in one reference. "Well done, good and faithful servant! ...Come and share your master’s happiness!" (Matt. 25:23) The hope is God will give me the wisdom to live my life faithfully in His will. And the promise linked to this hope is found in Proverbs 2:6-11

6 For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He holds victory in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8 for he guards the course of the just
and protects the way of his faithful ones.

9 Then you will understand what is right and just
and fair—every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you,
and understanding will guard you.

I guess that's it for now...

Friday, November 24, 2006

On being uncle ben....

So Elijah arrived on Tuesday and for the past 2 days it's been nothing but fussing about him... and it's the most enjoyable fussing I've experienced in a long time. He's been an absolute riot. I can't wait for his personality to really set in. Right now he's very much a sleeper. When he cries, it isn't to bad he's kinda quiet about it. Plus he has a great sense of rhythm about it (DJ Eli anyone?). I just find it amazing how so much person can be bundled up in such a little guy. It seems every time I see him I learn something new about him... and holding the little guy... nothing like it. This kid is messing with me and I love it!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

AGHHH! It's been too long since my last post!!!!

Okay so maybe it's been 4 days or so... Anyway, my little sis is having her first kid on Tuesday... yeah can you believe it? So this it going to be one crazy week the families. I don't knew how I'm going to stay focused @ work... oi!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Feeling like a million bucks!

Okay, the huge project was a raging success!
I'm very proud of the work the team did on this thing. We now have a line on 2 production clients and a few possible homeshows on the horizon. I think I will post the thing soon. Once I get my google video thing all set up.
In other news this week is a little on the slow side, but it's giving me some time to start getting familiar with our 3D software. This is my passion, and it's nice to be in the middle of it right now.

In further news, I'm trying to get back into the workout schedule again. Early mornings aren't working anymore so I've been moving it to early evenings. I only hope I have the willpower (dc Talk, Ha ha!) to keep it up for longer than a month. I have clear heart rate goals 165 at 18o (I'll translate that later. It's where I was when I started @ the Enterprise) , though I'm going to be more flexible on the weight goals. Lifting is another question. I love to push myself, but without a SPOTTER THAT CAN BE DANGEROUS :p

Anyway, take care ya'll

Monday, November 13, 2006

I don't want it to be easy, I want it to be right...

I Love Megatokyo!!!

Okay, brief rant over.

continuing life.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Has this year gone by fast, or what!?

Hmm, it's coming up on christmas... YAY!
It's almost time to break out the Mannhiem Steamroller. Christmas lights and other random goodness. This season has been a little strange since I've moved out. I'm still not used not being home. But I guess I'd like to find a way to at least acknowledge it's existence in my apartment somehow. Hmm, something that could be useful all year long. I'll get back to ya'll on that one.
Here's a random Christmas related question for ya'll. WHERE DID THE WORDS "SANTA CLAUS" COME FROM!? I mean really here, why didn't America just stick to Father Christmas or something like that. Anyway, I think I'll Wiki that right now.

Take care peoples,

The Audio Cassette is not dead, as I had once hoped.
As I type I'm making 7 copies of one for an phone system in Toledo. Oh the simplicity of it all. I do enjoy not having to ask:

Me: Do you know what format?
Other guy: Digital
Me: Okay, Do you want this on a CD or can we FTP it to you?
Other guy: We'd like it on CD.
Me: Is this CD going to be played on a standard CD player? Or are you going to copy it to a computer system?
Other guy: We are going to copy it to our computer system.
Me: Is there a specific file type you'll need?
Other guy: I don't know Let me talk to I.T.

Two Days Later...

Other Guy: I just talked to I.T. and apparently we need audio files.
Me: Do you know what format?
Other guy: Digital......

You get the idea.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ah life is normal again... well kind of.

So here's the deal, that huge ass project from last week is over and I couldn't be happier. I'm proud of the work and one of these days I may just post the thing... and if your up for watching 5 and a half minutes of cooperate presentation you may finally may get to see what I love to do.

As for other stuff. I feel the need for a IKEA run in the near future...I need chairs...and some bedroom stuff. More on that later. Life is good, I slacked a little this week, but that's fine. But I need to clean up some more stuff. My apartment is STILL a little messy from last week. Ugh, it may be time to deep clean the bathroom too. I need a longer weekend. Maybe take a day off. I haven't done that for a LONG, LONG time.

and oh why not...

Not much has changed

-Redemption Songs
-Jars of Clay
-The Eleventh Hour

-Long Trip Alone



-How to Grow a Woman From the Ground
-Not All Who Wander Are Lost

-Bring Yer Wellies
-Special Reserve

-George is On

My Doorbell - The White Stripes
Josh Turner- Long Black Train
Santa Fe- RENT Motion Picture Sndtrk
Eleven- Bleach
Montgomery Gentry- My Town & Hillbilly Shoes
Herbert- The Audience
Fidelity- Regina Spektor
Bullet- Mat Kerney
Sarala- Caedmon's Call
The International Friendship Song- Animaniacs

Oh man, this list could go forever.

See ya'll round

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

wow it's wednesday...

So yeah, recently it's been work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep.......
I really hope this project comes off well, it will really help the year finish on a high note.
So busy, can't think of anything to write....