Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Okay, im making more attempts to get in touch with the inner geek, I decided to take another look into Firefly. I don't know how I thought I didn't like this stuff. Too bad it didn't make it to it's second year. Who ever thought a commentary on post civil war america set in space would work so well. Hopefully it will go through the "Family Guy" treatment someday. Anyway after watching 5 episodes or so it was time for bed, but first I had to install the new router. When all was said and done it was about 2 AM and sleep was easy. Funny thing is this morning was the first time I've overslept in years. I woke up @ 8:30, that's about the time I like to get to work:)

1 comment:

Holly o:) said...

Mmmmm Firefly..."We're on the corner of 'No' and 'Where'." Love that show!