Friday, November 10, 2006

Has this year gone by fast, or what!?

Hmm, it's coming up on christmas... YAY!
It's almost time to break out the Mannhiem Steamroller. Christmas lights and other random goodness. This season has been a little strange since I've moved out. I'm still not used not being home. But I guess I'd like to find a way to at least acknowledge it's existence in my apartment somehow. Hmm, something that could be useful all year long. I'll get back to ya'll on that one.
Here's a random Christmas related question for ya'll. WHERE DID THE WORDS "SANTA CLAUS" COME FROM!? I mean really here, why didn't America just stick to Father Christmas or something like that. Anyway, I think I'll Wiki that right now.

Take care peoples,

The Audio Cassette is not dead, as I had once hoped.
As I type I'm making 7 copies of one for an phone system in Toledo. Oh the simplicity of it all. I do enjoy not having to ask:

Me: Do you know what format?
Other guy: Digital
Me: Okay, Do you want this on a CD or can we FTP it to you?
Other guy: We'd like it on CD.
Me: Is this CD going to be played on a standard CD player? Or are you going to copy it to a computer system?
Other guy: We are going to copy it to our computer system.
Me: Is there a specific file type you'll need?
Other guy: I don't know Let me talk to I.T.

Two Days Later...

Other Guy: I just talked to I.T. and apparently we need audio files.
Me: Do you know what format?
Other guy: Digital......

You get the idea.

1 comment:

Holly o:) said...

Gotta love clueless people...