Monday, September 25, 2006

The 100th post

Yeah it' s no real big deal, but I've reached post #100. I never thought I'd make it here. But it has come and to my surprise this site is still going strong. The past 100 posts have seen alot happen in my little life. From last december when I was still figureing out how to make it with 2 car payments, to January and my first birthday party in years, to February and it's share of drama, to March and tax fest, to April and julie's wedding, to May and moving day, to June and settleing in and new traditions, to July and outrageous good times, to August and re-evaluation, to September and it's learning expereinces.

Here's to another 100 posts between the monitors.

Oh yeah, Country music update... new favorite artists... Montgomery Gentry! ( have yet to hear a song from them I don't like)

1 comment:

~Jo~ said...

you should see them in concert...they put on quite a show!