Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Chinese Food and another movie... Inside Man...

This was a pretty cool film, not quite as "twisty" as i expeceted it to be. A good thing overall. Good acting, some GREAT actors. Clive Owen, Denzel Washington, Christopher Plummer, Jodie Foster, and William Dafoe, WOW! It was a quality "hiest/caper" style film. It had it's share of flim cliches but they worked well. Cool film expereince, but it dosn't make it to my faves.

As for the other stuff.
Work has been a ride, there has been alot of change in the past two weeks and ahead in the next. I'm prepared for it, but I'm still a little nervous. Don't worry it's all good stuff, but it'll be hard to get used to. Change is good :) I went to Bally this morning... it felt good, but my knee didn't care for it that much...I'm going back though. I miss it.

As for the rest of my life... it can be sumed up in two words... Hedgehog's Delemma (Any Evangelion fans out there? I wanna watch those again...)

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