Friday, September 22, 2006

The last tape to roll for the week...

I don't get it...
There is alot on my mind right now. Unforutnately it's stuff that I don't quite feel like posting here right now. Too bad really, but it's more personal stuff that needs to be brought up to those invovlved. Don't worry it's nothing bad, just the aforementioned confusion in post # 95.

Oh yeah, I've also added We Feel Fine to the link list. This is a great site to check out. Another wonderful time burner. It basically searches the various blog services for the words "I feel" or other phrases like it. then looks for the mentioned feeling. Then it presents this information in 7 formats. My favorite is mummers. You can also isolate feeling, age, gender, location, and weather. It's crazy fun.

Hey! I forgot to mention. . . NEW CHRIS THILE ALBUM!!! Oddly titled "How To Grow a Woman From The Ground" This is a decent album. It's what you'd get if you were to stick Not All Who Wonder... and Deceiver in a blender with some great American roots music. This guy could single handedly bring bluegrass to a new generation. If you really liked the O' Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack this my be worth a listen.

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