Friday, September 15, 2006

Creeping up on post 100!!!

After this there are only 8 to go before I hit the 100 mark.

In the mean time in speaking of the things I'm absolutely passionate about. Take a moment to discuss the latest out of Hollywood. It's a little thing known as Next-Gen DVD. You know, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. My best advice at this point is to ignore these formats. They may look cool, they may have alot of interesting features, I'd love to do work on them, but after going into thier specs all I can see is force-fed Digital Rights Management. If the DVD format was more secure I'm sure we wouldn't be seeing the the Next-gen formats. And what about HDTV? I'll let you in on a little secret... it's all hype. Again the stench of overbearing DRM is in the air.
In fact, I have a prediction. In about 2-3 years we will see the phasing out of all analog connections on media devices (After all, Analog TV will be phased out in April 2009.) Thus locking down all forms of recording to only those that can be controlled. Do I think this is bad or even evil? Not really, everyone has the right to earn money for their work, but what I don't like is the manipulation that's going on. Why can the people involved just admit that they want to secure their property, instead of the "this is the "in-thing" so you have to buy it" argument.

end rant

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Big Brother is watching you...