Wednesday, September 27, 2006


All I've go to say... this movie was made WHEN? 1958?

First, The Matrix totally ripped opening scene from Vertigo at some points shot for shot, and the soundtrack note for note. I'm not complaining just an observation.

Second, the camerawork and lighting were amazing! Way to tell the silent story.

Third, Great visual effects I still think they hold there own even in tha age of CGI.

Fourth, Graphic Elements!!! How on earth did they do that with film!?

Fifth, A plot with more decent plot twists than I've seen in any modern film.

Sixth, Jimmy Stewart in a half likeable / half uber creepy role. Nice to see him in something other than "It's a Wonderful Life".

This is truely a landmark movie. Kinda like "The Matrix" of it's day. I will be watching it again. I'd say it breaks into my top 20 favorite movies. However, as a sit down and watch movie, North by Northwest still beats it out.

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