Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Please ignore the previous post...

It's amazing how sometimes the obvious truth is just sitting right there in front of me. And how it's usually a word that reveals it. I'm having a difficult time committing to things right now. My usual policy of wait for it has been turning in to an excuse to do nothing. I am in fact getting lazy. As it appears, I've forgotten how to type.

Quiet Change

I feel I'm loosing ambition. Projects that used to get me excited, are just causing me to yawn. I'm not jumping at opportunities like I used to. It's it a case of "a little bit older, a little more wise" or is it there is something wrong with me? I want to strike out and do something new, but what comes after where I am now is the area of true design and film-style visual effects. Areas I never really intended to go. In all honesty I never thought I'd get this far. So what now? I need to find a new passion in this huge Vis Comm field. I can't say I love it all anymore. I need to choose something soon. That's the big goal now... I need to find a new passion within my field.

I've just felt so aimless recently, I give into the status quo, so easily, I'm feeling very very lazy. Have I really let things beat me up this bad? To the point where I throw ideas out because they are not able to be productized? Am I jaded? Am I disbelieving of whether things will get better? Where is the line between realism and pessimism? All I know is that I can't give up. I've seen how far I've fallen, I need to get back

Monday, February 26, 2007

So I've been running low on blogs recently...

I don't have anything I really want to blog about. Or @ least anything that I'd like to have out in the public. I've mostly been posting in the personal journal, which is little more than a very long .doc file. Journaling is a great practice, I used to think it was a waste of time. I thought this because it never seems to go anywhere. I mean, what's the point of writing in something that no one will ever read?
Well, it's a great way to think things out. Once it's all on paper it's easy to evaluate what I'm thinking objectively. Am I really justified in what I'm thinking and feeling? Most of the time I find myself going through the Psalms cycle. You know, talk about what's going on, then as I progress, I find myself seeing how things may fit in the big picture.

No thanks to BT and his latest album, I've been exploring some interesting math anomalies. What's really interesting is how they incorporate themselves in geometry and how I've been trying to incorporate that geometry into some of my latest projects.

I give this service about an 80% cool rating. It's a great idea. Basically it's a P2P based OnDemand web video service. Once some better content becomes available, this may become very popular. IT also wouldn't hurt to add some live feed content and more 16:9 support. Oh yeah, and some better codec usage couldn't hurt either. What this service does do well is GUI. This thing is very sexy!! I'll post some screen caps soon.

I think that's it for now...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Technologies....

Okay so I did it!!!! I finally, bought an HDTV. Here's the lowdown on one of the niftier toys out there.

1. HD does look amazing! However you really only get to enjoy it a percentage of the time. The only time you have Full HD signal "over the air" is national newscasts, prime time, and most sporting events.

2. The signal is only as good as the source... Rule 2b of video production. Most of the time what you get is upsampled 480i. If it's a digital source it still looks good, if it's off an analog tape...not so much.

3. I don't know if it's just the model I bought or what, but DVD looks really really good. Mind you, the pixelization is still an issue, but the contrast ratio is out of this world!

4. It makes for an awesome computer monitor! Yagi is now permanently attached to the HD system. That'll make races a little more interesting, no?

5. Over the air Dolby Digital is nice.

6. Joost, need I say more?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Here's a thought...

Why do dems support a withdrawl?

What happens if the US and Iraqi Forces succeed?

Deceitfulness of Wealth

The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful
Matthew 13:22

I recently took some time to catch up with some of Rob Bell's sermons. One of them was about, among other things, the deceitfulness of wealth. This is something I don't really think about all that often but it's something that I deal with. Just when I think I have it dealt with in one area of my life is sneaks into another area. The deceptiveness is that little voice that says, "If I just had a little more...". I know that more is not better, any one who knows me, knows that this is very important to me. But over the past few months this attitude has been finding it's way into my mind. I don't need more stuff, and I don't want to store stuff up, but I've found myself doing both recently. Agh!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Here's one of my recent inspriations...

Mr. City Men

This is a great set of amazing animations. Very very enjoyable.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

what is this?

Well, the fog I've been under for the past few weeks is beginning to lift. It looks like this is going to be a cycle that needs to be prepared for... odd. Anyway, as always this period is usually capped off by some unexpected surprise, and God does have a sense of humor, and he's laughing at me right now, and to be honest I'm laughing along with him. In this world there are a number of things that I was convinced didn't exist, this week I met one of them. Best of all I will have the opportunity to work with them. I finally have a real teammate at work.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Feeling better...again.

Today is the last day of client hell... for this week at least. I'm just hoping that we will see a return to normal soon. Then again, "normal" recently has been client hell. So yeah, take it however you want.
American Idol thoughts...
Last night's episode was the first one I've actually fully enjoyed in a very long time. Probably since Chris Daughtry's last performance. There is hope for this season after all. Just one more week then the REAL show begins. I was kinda scared last night when my sister got me to list all the winners and the runner-ups since the show started. And Simon still rocks.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


you know it's bad when you get totally drained within 2 hours of getting to work...the past few weeks have sucked beyond reason. I need a cave to crawl into for a while :)

Later that day...
Sometimes it's amazing the little things that get me through the day. A stuffed Cookie Monster and Supertones Strike Back did the trick this afternoon. Go fig! I'm so weird.

Oh yeah, I've also started watching SG-1. Season 1 is kinda interesting so far, very much a pilot season. But I am beginning to get into the characters a bit. Though they do seem a bit cardboard like at this point. Oh yeah, geek moment here, I'm working on a stargate texture effect...he he, all I need now is the green screen and a willing accomplice. I'm sure I can find a quality 3DS model of the stargate somewhere. Oh the challenge :)