Monday, February 26, 2007

So I've been running low on blogs recently...

I don't have anything I really want to blog about. Or @ least anything that I'd like to have out in the public. I've mostly been posting in the personal journal, which is little more than a very long .doc file. Journaling is a great practice, I used to think it was a waste of time. I thought this because it never seems to go anywhere. I mean, what's the point of writing in something that no one will ever read?
Well, it's a great way to think things out. Once it's all on paper it's easy to evaluate what I'm thinking objectively. Am I really justified in what I'm thinking and feeling? Most of the time I find myself going through the Psalms cycle. You know, talk about what's going on, then as I progress, I find myself seeing how things may fit in the big picture.

No thanks to BT and his latest album, I've been exploring some interesting math anomalies. What's really interesting is how they incorporate themselves in geometry and how I've been trying to incorporate that geometry into some of my latest projects.

I give this service about an 80% cool rating. It's a great idea. Basically it's a P2P based OnDemand web video service. Once some better content becomes available, this may become very popular. IT also wouldn't hurt to add some live feed content and more 16:9 support. Oh yeah, and some better codec usage couldn't hurt either. What this service does do well is GUI. This thing is very sexy!! I'll post some screen caps soon.

I think that's it for now...

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