Wednesday, February 07, 2007


you know it's bad when you get totally drained within 2 hours of getting to work...the past few weeks have sucked beyond reason. I need a cave to crawl into for a while :)

Later that day...
Sometimes it's amazing the little things that get me through the day. A stuffed Cookie Monster and Supertones Strike Back did the trick this afternoon. Go fig! I'm so weird.

Oh yeah, I've also started watching SG-1. Season 1 is kinda interesting so far, very much a pilot season. But I am beginning to get into the characters a bit. Though they do seem a bit cardboard like at this point. Oh yeah, geek moment here, I'm working on a stargate texture effect...he he, all I need now is the green screen and a willing accomplice. I'm sure I can find a quality 3DS model of the stargate somewhere. Oh the challenge :)

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