Friday, December 30, 2005


I need to thank my brother in law for introducing me to this wonderful game. Without getting too much into the details it has some very simple rules and is something between Go and Tetris in gameplay. As far as I'm conserned it's the second best export of France, first being wine of course. For a taste I recomend visiting

Hm another possible Halo outing tonight. This time it's with more pro types. I shall be owned! But you know I am getting better, though I far from winning a 50 kill round of slayer.

happy gaming to all.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Cool peice of art and other things.

Fred from just posted this pic by somebody else. I don't know if it's fan art or not, but I'd like to think it's some Haibane fan taking a break from life. It's cool, it's everything I like about the anime style. Okay and you perverts can stop thinking now.

It's a good moring to a slow day. There really isn't much to do, just some minor projects. I just have to work on not being bored. That is the problem isn't it? I love the thought of a slow relaxing night, but there is something wrong about expereincing it at work. Ugh, just wait, next week is going to be rough. 5 shows in 3 days, That'll be fun.

In the mean time,
Have fun, and don't break anything (to expensive)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Okay, if two wasn't enough!

Is that right? Is wasn't even a word? I think it should be weren't, but that dosn't look right. Agh, proper english sucks anyway, no attitude. Anyway, this is the third blog for today, I'm going for a record and making up for the lack of entries for the last week.

For this one I think I'll talk about The Screwtape Letters. One of those "impossible gifts" I was talking about was a little known recording of The Screwtape Letters read by none other than John Cleese. Somehow my sister managed to get a copy and I am very greatful.

It's strange, but this is one of those few books that I can really relate to, and I think any one could to it if they were honest. I hope to post my complete thoughts about it once I've finished all of it. As for now, I've just got to say wow. This book is a must read, or listen, for anyone in their twentys and CS Lewis, as always, has hit the nail on the head.

It is a little awkward listening to a book I feel I should be reading. There are many points where I wish could write a few notes on the page, and re-reading a passage is so much easier than rewinding. I really do need to buy the book.

One more thing

This is a profound "Holy crap did I just write that" moment,
I wrote the following in a recent e-mail:

Instead of embrace our future, we should say, "embrace the present". After all the future is about dreams, and the present is about doing. The future is all fine and dandy, but unless you are putting your focus "doing" today, odds are, you'll never get to where your going.

I may be learning something after all.

Wishing ya'll the best day possible given the circumstances.

A really good Christmas

Aside from the tradional business of christmas and it's goodness that never changes. This particular christmas was one of the best ever. Yeah, you can cue the random secular carol now.

First, I deceided to turn this holiday into a 5 day vacation. Initially I was afraid that by the end I'd be miserably bored, but that fear was entirely bull. I had more than enough to work on, all of which I enjoyed doing.

Second, for the past 2 years I've had a list of impossible (or at least very difficult to find) presents on my list. Somehow my family was able to find them all! Plus, they are the kinds of things that can be enjoyed for a very long time.

Third, I was with family for most of the time and the subject of my overly prolonged singleness only came up once. Making the whole event that much better.

Fourth, a surprise afternoon of Halo 2 at my grandma's house.


Now I just hope this carries through to the rest of the year. I really want to put 2005 and all it's suckiness, behind me. with hopes 2006 is at worst less sucky at best that it r0x0r2 my 50x0r2 (or is very good).

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Geek is a Verb

Okay, so I have that tendancy to turn nouns into verbs. One of the most useful ones recently has been Geeking or Geeking out. I'm sure you know what I mean. That shameful rush of excitement when a particular peice of hardware comes out or if your playing a game (ahm,Halo,ahm) and you pull off the perfect arial kill with the energy sword. Or you just get your latest order from Newegg. That is geeking out right there.
As for the females out there I'm sure you have your own experience with the Geek Out. Though I wouldn't go so far as to figure out what it is.

To being yourself, geek and all

I Survived 2005

I think someone needs to make a T-Shirt that says, "I Survived 2005". And send one to everyone in the world. It's been a horrible year for everyone, I think. Reguardless of political opinion, class, age, race, creed, location or sexual orientation. Many have lost loved ones to war, natural disaster and disease. Some have just had a rough year in their personal life. However I'm happy to say I'm still here, and if you are reading this I'm sure you are still here too. I hope that dispite the overall suckiness that many of you may be experiencing continue to live life, never hold back your tears, never hide your joy, love one another, and love God.

To a better 2006

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Render Time

Let me tell you about one of the best and worst things about working in media...Render Time.
This is basicly when you put your computer on autopilot for a while to make something readable by everything. There is an art to it. It's a matter of knowing in advance what you are going to use it for, in what program, for how long. There to major output files I use, however, within those files there are endless options and combinations that determine compatibility quality and size. And that, my friends, is one of my favorite parts of video production. The sucky part is the wait. I mean, sure, I don't have to think about anything for a few minute or a few hours, but it still feels like it takes forever.

Patience is important in life. It's all about knowing what to do and when to do it. The best things are the things you wait for. But NEVER let the waiting become an exuse for inaction. That is the risk of patience, lazyness. While waiting, always be considering your next move, so when the time comes you can act quickly and decisively. And if that time doesn't come, take a risk and move anyway, or take another kind of risk and make a new plan. Be alet, sometimes that moment of opportunity will only last a few seconds, be prepared for it.

Movie & Music moment:
So what have I been listenting to recently???
-Imogen Heap - Speak For Yourself
-Chris Thile- Deceiver
-Deep Dish- George is On
-Armin Von Burren- Shivers
-Caedmon's Call- Share the Well
-Rent - Film Soundtrack
-Flunk- Morning Star

So what have I been Watching?
-The Animatrix
-The Chronicles of Narnia
-Kill Bill
-The Fugitive
-Moulin Rouge
-Lots of movie trailers (Tristam Shandy, X-Men 3, Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World)

I'm getting bored now, I'd better stop before I give out mt Credit Card number and PIN :)

Monday, December 19, 2005

Live from Yajuu

Okay so maybe you've had enough of the Japanese computer name thing, but not I, so there! Yajuu is the name of my beast of a machine @ work. It's real name is AVID002 but where's the excitement in that. Yajuu is quite the system 3.0Ghz P4 with HT, 2 Gig RAM, 1.2 Tb HD space, and a Nvidia 1400 QuadroFX card with dual 20 inch monitors. Now you know why I love coming to work.
Geeking aside, this was a great weekend. Started off with a Christmas bowling party for work and Halo 2 night. I never thought I'd like Halo, but after a few rounds of Swordball, team crazy king and team territories it becomes an addiction. As for bowling... I'd rather not talk about it :)

Saturady was shopping day. WOOT! or not, needless to say I enjoyed the down time that night. A little Katamari, Madden, and Moulin Rouge never felt better.

Sunday as always was dedicated to church stuff, Sunday night we did the Purple elephant thing. We (FourTwelve) went out to buy gifts for others. It was a great time. I came up with the idea and I was happy that it came off as a success. Though Megs was the one who really made it happen. Thanks!

Hopefully this week will go smoothly, that would be nice.

Much love peace and all that,

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Apple, Intel, Yonah and Viiv

Okay I admit it. I'm a mac head!
Though my fondness for the Steve is wearing a little thin these days, I still love the product.
Anyway, today Intel announced Yonah. Yonah is simply a dual core mobile CPU. They also put out some more specs for the Viiv Media Center platform as well.
Suddenly Apple's move to Intel is making a little more sense. Th eApple iBook and Powerbook could both get dual core CPUs. The mac mini and iMac can get Viiv chipset creating a media center Mac. Imagine this, an iMac with a digital media in/out/thru interface. Then the mac becomes a DVR, Source switch, and player. Combine that with AirPort and AirPort Express. Then digital media can go wireless. That would be sweet!

Geek out!!!!

I need to get back to work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Little things....

Hey ya,
Just taking a moment from work, to get back up to date with everything. Work continues to rock out. It's a slow week, so I'll be able to hammer out some exciting side projects, like editing a 6 screen wide production in After Effects. Hats off to Adobe for that great piece of software!

Links for today...
For those who like Electronica:
Imogen Heap has been up on the link list from the beginning, and I reccomend visiting her site. She is a very talanted musician out of the UK, and if the name or the voice sond familiar, they should, she was the vocalist for Frou Frou. She also appears in the soundtrack for The Chornicles of Narnia.

Square America
A co-worker showed me this site a while back. It's a collection of unique, found, and frequently updated photograhs. HOWEVER, a word of warning: It can get very addictive.

Monday, December 12, 2005


The Chronicles of Narnia
Oh wow, this movie has been well worth the wait. Andrew Adamson as managed to create the perfect representation of one of the great fantasies of all time. Go see it if you can, and again. I know I will. I wish Father Christmas would give me a big sword!

Iraqi Elections:
Purple Finger for Freedom
Enough said. Show your support for the people of Iraq!

Updated Links:
I have added some links to my favorite web comics:

I've been following this story since early 2001. Over the years the writer and artist, Fred Gallagher, has managed to create a deep wonderful world of increadibly human characters.

Instant Classic:
This is by far the funniest webcomic I have ever come across. Just remember to bring your love of movies, and a big bucket of popcorn. It'll take some time to go through them all.

The title says it all...also very funny.

I think that's it for this morning.
I've got a video shoot to do today..... thrill (rolleyes)

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Nothing in Particular

I have nothing wise or inteligent to say right now, and that's the way it is. I often read these blogs and I'm blown way by the things that I read. I see so much talent, and so many great ideas I wonder how on earth I'd ever be able to compete. Compete... that's the problem, in my heart I want to be the best: In work, in life, in everything. I'm a hopeless perfectionist :) It's just wrong.

This is not about competition and outthinking the others out there. This is about being a little more open, a little more random, a little more me. All things I ignore too often for sake of saving a little face....its not worth it.

Oh yeah, Utagai? ...look it up!


Here it is...again.
I've tried to do this blogging thing before but it became far too depressing and disjointed as it grew so I killed it. So now I'm back to share the oddities of my life between the monitors.

So what does that name mean anyway?
I do all sorts of video realted graphics stuf for a living, so naturally my work life revolves round digital video, video cards, motion design, non linear editing and the like. So that's one set of monitors. At home I enjoy goofing off online, and I love working on my computers, Nemu (mac mini) and Yagi (AMD64/Windows based PC). So that's another set of monitors.

However my favorite parts of life rest in between the monitors, with friends family, and all the people who run in and out of my life every day and that is what I want this to be about. Life between the monitors.