Monday, December 19, 2005

Live from Yajuu

Okay so maybe you've had enough of the Japanese computer name thing, but not I, so there! Yajuu is the name of my beast of a machine @ work. It's real name is AVID002 but where's the excitement in that. Yajuu is quite the system 3.0Ghz P4 with HT, 2 Gig RAM, 1.2 Tb HD space, and a Nvidia 1400 QuadroFX card with dual 20 inch monitors. Now you know why I love coming to work.
Geeking aside, this was a great weekend. Started off with a Christmas bowling party for work and Halo 2 night. I never thought I'd like Halo, but after a few rounds of Swordball, team crazy king and team territories it becomes an addiction. As for bowling... I'd rather not talk about it :)

Saturady was shopping day. WOOT! or not, needless to say I enjoyed the down time that night. A little Katamari, Madden, and Moulin Rouge never felt better.

Sunday as always was dedicated to church stuff, Sunday night we did the Purple elephant thing. We (FourTwelve) went out to buy gifts for others. It was a great time. I came up with the idea and I was happy that it came off as a success. Though Megs was the one who really made it happen. Thanks!

Hopefully this week will go smoothly, that would be nice.

Much love peace and all that,

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