Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Little things....

Hey ya,
Just taking a moment from work, to get back up to date with everything. Work continues to rock out. It's a slow week, so I'll be able to hammer out some exciting side projects, like editing a 6 screen wide production in After Effects. Hats off to Adobe for that great piece of software!

Links for today...
For those who like Electronica:
Imogen Heap has been up on the link list from the beginning, and I reccomend visiting her site. She is a very talanted musician out of the UK, and if the name or the voice sond familiar, they should, she was the vocalist for Frou Frou. She also appears in the soundtrack for The Chornicles of Narnia.

Square America
A co-worker showed me this site a while back. It's a collection of unique, found, and frequently updated photograhs. HOWEVER, a word of warning: It can get very addictive.

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