Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A really good Christmas

Aside from the tradional business of christmas and it's goodness that never changes. This particular christmas was one of the best ever. Yeah, you can cue the random secular carol now.

First, I deceided to turn this holiday into a 5 day vacation. Initially I was afraid that by the end I'd be miserably bored, but that fear was entirely bull. I had more than enough to work on, all of which I enjoyed doing.

Second, for the past 2 years I've had a list of impossible (or at least very difficult to find) presents on my list. Somehow my family was able to find them all! Plus, they are the kinds of things that can be enjoyed for a very long time.

Third, I was with family for most of the time and the subject of my overly prolonged singleness only came up once. Making the whole event that much better.

Fourth, a surprise afternoon of Halo 2 at my grandma's house.


Now I just hope this carries through to the rest of the year. I really want to put 2005 and all it's suckiness, behind me. with hopes 2006 is at worst less sucky at best that it r0x0r2 my 50x0r2 (or is very good).

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