Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Of school and books

When it comes to fiction; I like old books! Well, by old I mean written before I was born. And the book I'm beginning to tackle fits that description, and then some. I read parts of it for school and I remember liking it alot. I also have to blame Mr. CS Lewis and George MacDonald for peaking my interest in poetry. Just reading Surprised by Joy, The Four Loves, Phantastes or Lilith will get you at least thinking about taking on classics like Beowulf. As great as that sounds I've decided on something a little lighter, The Canterbury Tales. The idea behind it was enough to get me hooked, and after reading the prologue I should have no problem finishing it by the end of January. For those who are wondering, I am using a modern translation... boo and hiss all you want I refuse to be distracted by endless foot notes. It is about the stories after all. I may just have to post my thoughts as I go, so good night ya'll!

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