Thursday, January 04, 2007

stuff n junk

First things first, Chaucer ain't half bad, I've made is about a quarter of the way through in 2 sittings. Very entertaining, but like shakepeare it takes some time to get used to it, Usually about 20 lines or so. ANYWAY one of te highlight christmas gifts this year was from my sister. It was a collection of The X-Files episodes surrounding the Black Oil story line... one of my faves. It's good to see these again, oh to be a geek again! Of course I used one of my gift cards to get Firefly, great anytime DVDs. I also received Secondhand Lions, by far one of may favorite movies, period. Now there is only one more movie I REALLY want, Chocolat.
Oddly enough I haven't downloaded much music recently, maybe I'm just content with my collection as it stands right now. I've been listening to Jars of Clay, Nickel Creek and Gaelic Storm for the most part recently. Good stuff.

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